Under the microscope

It seems like we are getting closer to owning our home each day. Despite a few additional required documents, we are well on our way to securing our home loan, and the house is already listed as “contingent” on most real estate Web sites. But tomorrow we face one of the biggest hurdles– the home inspection.

As much as I want to tell myself that the house will pass with flying colors, I am still nervous. Because we have already agreed to every change the bank has made, Brian and I have agreed to request the bank make any repairs found necessary by the inspection. Will we really walk away if the bank refuses to make a $200 repair? Definitely not, but at least it is worth trying to negotiate, especially when we seem to be on the losing end of negotiating with this house so far.

There really is no reason to get worked up– by this time tomorrow the inspection will be over with. It will be so nice to clear that hurdle and be one step closer to the closing table.
