Square one

Well, I found out today that not only did I not get a call back on one of the jobs I have applications in at, but that I am apparently unqualified for BOTH jobs. Lame.

I would try and sound a bit more disappointed about this, but unfortunately I am getting a bit used to this whole build up/ let down thing.

And besides that, I may have found my dream job online today! I am not going to get too excited; I’m not even going to tell you all what it is until at least after I apply. Because it is quite the change in directions I have to dig up a few more references before I can submit my resume, so it might be a few days before I e-mail the application.

I will tell you that it would definitely get me out of the office rut I am in. That is a big thing I realized at work today– it’s not so much that I hate my job, it’s that I am really not cut out for office work. Between waitressing, reporting, and being a veterinary nurse, I really have never been trapped in an office. For eight hours a day. And that is wearing on me, hard.

So, let’s hope I change the cliche. Fourth time can be a charm, right?



  1. j – i am not sure what your background is or what sort of job you are looking for, but i do know that if you really REALLY want to get out of your current situation quickly, you have to apply to a lot more than 3 or 4. i have been fired, laid off, and i've quit many jobs to move so i've been in quite a few sink or swim situations. the more jobs you apply for, the more you will increase your chance of new hire. i have also been on the other end – in terms of hiring – screening applications and interviewing. there are MANY unqualified stalker crazies out there. maybe you're not one of them, but there are probably at least 1 for every 10 who fits that description. currently, it is a harsh job market and you are not the only one looking. the computer generated applications are usually for the bigger corporations. they usually have a separate hr department and then the section of the company that houses the new position plus that department of the section and then the manager and assistant manager under whom you would work. it's easier for them to send emails to each other. (lame, but quicker for them) i usually steer clear of those if i don't want the job that much. easier for them, too much of a pain in the ass for me. one major thing i've learned through my job experience is that it's not only am-i-a-right-fit-for-the-company,' it is also (and most importantly) is-it-a-right-fit-for-ME.

    i am also currently looking for a job although it's a little different for me since i have a 3-year old and would rather stay with him for a couple of years than work. with that and the facts that i do have a little bit of unemployment coming in and we are thinking about moving out of state, i'm not looking as hard as i should. unfortunately, we can't afford that and if i DO want to stay in printing/production, i can't miss too many beats. i'm also a bit more of a cranky pants than you seem to be (heh heh) anyway, not to get you discouraged or anything – just sharing my experience. just be patient and keep applying – someone will be lucky to have you working for them

  2. Hey Snarling! I definitely know that I will have to fill out dozens more applications- I am just sharing the process on the blog. I am also very fortunate in that I do not necessarily NEED a new job, outside of for my own sanity :

    I like your bit of advice on whether or not the company is a right fit for me; I will definitely keep that at the forefront of my thoughts on future applications!

  3. sorry if i sounded a bit harsh – i just had a long weekend with my family (major blowout with my brother this time) i have a tendency to say whatever i'm feeling right then and there and it doesn't always come out right. also, job hunting just plain SUCKS.

  4. Haha, you didn't sound harsh! Trust me, I've gotten myself in trouble more than once by saying exactly what is on my mind.

    Sorry to hear about the family blowout- I've also had my fair share of those and they are definitely never fun 🙁

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