The best day of my crazy life

I have had a lot of good days. And a lot of bad ones. Last Friday, however, is definitely the record best day of my 24 years.

The day didn’t start out very unusual- I worked from home, got some emails out of the way, did some laundry. Ran some errands and grabbed a congrats card for some friends who just had a baby (Congrats Tim & Steph!). Then I got ready to go hiking, since B had been saying he had really wanted to go for the past few weeks. So he got home early (unheard of), and we stopped at the Subie dealer to get our 11,250 mile check up. I don’t know how we’ve driven that far since March when it had six miles!

I digress. After the car appointment, we headed out to Shabbona Lake State Park, arguably my favorite spot and an area I have been camping and hiking since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. And take that literally- I’m pretty short! But really, it’s not hard to see why I love this place:

It is such a beautiful area. And although it’s only an hour away from where we live, you feel like you are in a different part of the country there. Anyway, we were on our favorite hike to some amazingly huge oak trees (the grandmother oaks) when this happened:


Yep, that’s right. The love of my life got down on one knee, shaking like a leaf, and asked me a simple question. After I got over the shock, I of course said yes. And reminded myself to book an appointment for a manicure the next day!

So, I’m engaged! It is still weird to say, and even more weird to call B my fiance. After almost a decade together, I think I get some slack in learning to use this new terminology! And I am still shocked every time I look down at my finger and see the beautiful ring he picked out all by himself. On my freshly manicured hand, of course!

After we both settled down a bit, I asked who else knew. In traditional B fashion, I found out that not only did his whole family know, but they were waiting at home for us! So we hiked back to the car, me tripping over every rock and stick while looking at the ring, and drove back home. We celebrated with pizza and champagne, and a cake that my soon-to-be sister-in-law made:

I really couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate, or a better man to spend the rest of my life with. Yes, I’m being corny, but I’m allowed!

P.S. The first two photos are courtesy of my fiance and his amazing photography skills!

P.P.S. To all my philofaxy friends- get ready for a post on the new wedding section that is sure to appear in my Malden! Poor B, he’ll be stuck with a Filo lover forever!



  1. Congratulations to you both, what a lovely way to be asked in natural surroundings.

    And we look forward to seeing the new section in the Malden!!!!

    This is not a dream! This is the start of a dream… enjoy every minute…

  2. Can't wait to see that ring in person!!! I told my dad last night that you might stop by sometime and get all those Martha Stewart Wedding magazines and he was like, "Now Whitney, don't plan Jordan's whole wedding for her, I'm sure she want to do some planning too…" So don't worry, my dad is looking out for you in case I accidentally give you too much advice. 🙂

  3. Thanks everyone!!!

    @Whit- I'll definitely be by at some point to pick up the magazines- and trust me, I'll need all the help I can get!

    @justenoughsalt- LOL! Yeah, I'll have a section in my Filo for quick wedding notes, but the rest will be a different brand of planner a friend is giving me- I can't afford an A5 for wedding planning at the moment 🙁 But I'm sure whatever I get will be fantastic!

  4. Lovely photos and story! Someday you will gawk less at your hand, even if that sounds impossible. Congratulations! Yay for new Filofax tab, too!

  5. Yay! This is so great. Congratulations! I told DH and he's excited for you guys too. He'd like to take B to Le Pain Quotidien for a celebratory vegetarian "dinner." 😉

    I can't wait to see what your Malden has hiding up his zipped pocket for organizing the event. As I mentioned on Twitter, when I got married 5 years ago, it was before I knew of Filofax. Excel spreadsheets were my best friends. Wedding planning was a lot of work and though I wouldn't relish doing it again, I would just to organize it in a *new* wedding Filo!!

  6. Thank you so much everyone! Stay tuned for many more wedding themed posts!

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