Two years ago

I love you, Mom.
I miss you every day.
And even though I can no longer see you,
I know you’ve been with me every step of the way.



  1. Sorry for your loss.

    Some people say it gets easier with time, but I'm not so sure.. there's always something you want to share with your Mum and Dad and it's so frustrating that they aren't there any more.

    Just content yourself with thinking 'I wonder what Mum or Dad would think about this?'

    But remember the happy times you had together and keep smiling yourself. She will be smiling at you I just know it.

  2. Thank you both so much.

    Steve, I totally agree- I lost my dad when I was nine, and I miss him more now than I ever did growing up. But I know that they are somewhere, being happy, and hopefully smiling at the choices I'm making in life.

    And thanks, Whit! I just have to remember all the crazy fun stuff we all did when we were little!

  3. I'm sorry Jordan. It's been just over 4 years now since I lost my dad. There's been a lot about his death that I've only begun to deal with. And as hard as that's been, it's been good for me, too. It's getting better, though I don't know about easier, not yet at least. But I do believe he is always with me, and I'm sure it's the same for you and your mom.

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