Hitting a wall

It’s only 2:51 and I feel like I could fall asleep at any moment. And yes, I’m at work… Shhh.

I’m not really quite sure what my problem is today, but I’m assuming it’s a combination of the fact that I didn’t go to bed until after 2 a.m. last night/this morning and my lack of work related tasks today. My promotion became official yesterday (whoo-hoo!) but now I’m sitting here about to fall asleep. What a good employee I am!

I have thought about going to get coffee, but the nearest shop is eight floors down and getting there involves taking two elevators and an escalator. Or eight flights of stairs which I’m pretty sure would result in me falling asleep in a stairwell and waking up somewhere between floor four and five at about nine o’clock tonight. So instead of setting up a caffeinated IV drip, I’ve decided to drink so much water that my bladder is about ready to explode. Probably not the smartest idea, but it is pretty impossible to fall asleep when you have to pee.

The clock just struck 3 p.m., so I only have another two hours or so to make it- after which I’m supposed to have a two hour work out. We’ll see if that happens.

Is anyone else just having one of those days?



  1. In fact today is one of those days for me as well. Luckily I had an interview off-site at 4pm and left the hospital. When it was done at 4:30 I came home. What's the point of going back to work at 5pm?!? As a result I am working from home on the computer…but at least I'm in gym shorts and a t-shirt!

    P.S. Good for you for working out. I am sooooo tired after the day I cannot even fathom a workout. Which basically means my 39.99 monthly gym membership is really quite the waste of money if I only use it on the weekends. Yikes.

  2. I had one of those days yesterday…where you keep looking at the clock and it has only been 15 minutes. The day dragged on and then it got dark and rainy and I really wanted to leave. There was barely anyone in the library yesterday and barely anything to do…I played a lot of Solitaire.

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