A (time and money saving) planner addition

I love coupons. That is, I love coupons when I remember to use them and have them with me. Which is rare.

Although my life is arguably more organized than ever with the help of my awesome 2012 system, those darn money saving slips of paper are where I always mess up. Typically, when the machine in the checkout line spits them out at me, I throw them in the notepad pocket of my Malden, along with stamps, hole reinforcing patches, and the rest of my “planner junk drawer.” But then I inevitably go crazy having them back there, or I completely forget I even have them, which kinda ruins the point of carrying coupons in the first place. So then, I leave the coupons at home on my desk, where they are forgotten yet again. Long story short, I spend a lot of time throwing away expired coupons.

During an “I’m going to spring clean because it is 50 degrees outside” moment I was having last week, I found the solution. I was about to finally throw away the box my 2012 refills came in, when I realized I had a clear, top opening envelope in the empty box. I didn’t even know I had a spare lying around. So I stuffed in all the non-expired coupons I had around the apartment, and put the envelope in the “etc.” section of the Malden.

Then it occurred to me that this system was bound to fail. I know myself, and I know that I won’t spend time digging through coupons at the store to see if I have anywhere I can save. And since I make a lot of impromptu trips, I can’t always pre-plan my shopping lists and menus. So, I improvised and added a sticky note for quick reference on current coupons:

Granted, this system leaves a lot to be desired. I did this last minute, so I’m missing a lot of detail for most of these. It’s working for now, but when I have a free minute (and don’t spend it blogging) I’ll be designing a page that will sit just in front of the envelope, providing more details on each coupon. I’m thinking I need:

  • item
  • store
  • dollars/percent off
  • expiration date
  • a check box for when the coupon is used

 I think this will cover most of the details I would need for each coupon. That way, instead of flipping through each one, I can just run down the list of what I have and see if anything can be used.

Saving time and money, gotta love it! I’ll be sure to share the file as soon as I create it.

How do you store your coupons? In your Filo? Are they a mess, or am I alone on that one?



  1. I'll admit I am one of those coupon nerds that has a three-ring binder with plastic baseball card pages for my coupons. Some people I know sort them by expiration date but I put mine in sections according to store sections such as dairy, canned goods, baking, frozen, etc. and then I organize those kinda in the order of the aisles at the store I shop at most. Kinda lame, I know. But it kinda helps when dairy is at the back of the store and the coupons are in the back of my binder. I put my shopping list in the clear plastic in front of the binder and use a dry-erase marker to mark off what I got already. And then I have a little calculator in a pencil case.

    Some of the ladies that do coupon swaps at the library have made comparison sheets for items they buy most often and their regular and sale prices. I don't really like driving around from store to store, so I don't do that. Happy couponing! I kinda get into it for a while and then my enthusiasm cools for a while.

  2. I don't really have a system for coupons. I keep them in a bin and if I want to use them, I schedule in a day to go to the store and write (coupon) next to the store name. This helps me remember to grab the coupon before heading out the door. However, this doesn't work if I decide on a whim to stop. But scheduling the stop in the first place helps me to keep a handle on my spending to begin with.

  3. I have mine is a zip-lock plastic envelope (not filo brand as the zip was on the top surface and made everything stick up) in the back of my filofax but I only do grocery shops once a week and when I draw up my list I write V in a circle next to the item to remind me there's a voucher for it. Our nearest grocery store is 7 miles away so I never pop by on impulse!

  4. @Whit- I love it! I would never remember to bring the binder shopping with me, but this seems like an awesome idea. I do try to lay out my grocery lists by how the aisles run in the store though- so helpful.

    @Kanalt- Very true! I tend to stop at the store from time to time on my way home from work- our schedules are so insane that it sometimes takes us a week to realize we have no groceries in the house!

    @Amanda- I am jealous! I am surrounded by grocery stores and my schedule is too crazy to plan a single trip a week. Some weeks I'm at the store every other day, some times not for two weeks! Great idea to write V on the shopping list though- I'll have to try that!

  5. Love to read how other people manage the coupon madness I usually have in my home. Thankfully, I shop at Aldi a lot (no coupons allowed), but my problem is gift cards. I have many to handle as I can't go and spend them "just because." So, I use a Malden large zip wallet scored on eBay to contain cards and miscelleous certificates.

    I love that Malden leather!

  6. I used to keep them in my filofax too, but they'd always get covered up & then I'd forget about them. Any coupons now go on the fridge or in my wallet, depending on what type they are. For example, all supermarket ones go under the same magnet & I pick them up on the way out & other ones I might need in town are in my wallet.

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