Got blood?

I do my best to write about things I believe (and hope) interests my readers. I think it is something that all writers strive for. But on this day, I need to write about something that means something to me, even if no one else reads it. Obviously I hope you’re reading, and of course I am very interested in everything I write, but you get the point.

Today’s post isn’t about my planner, nor my wedding, nor a new craft I’ve taken up. Instead, it is a plea to please, if you are eligible, go donate blood!

You read that right, I’m asking you to find your nearest donation center and GO. Literally, go save a life. I know it sounds corny, but it is completely true. Maybe I’m so enthusiastic about this since I just donated today. But I also donated 56 days ago, and 56 days before that. For me, donating blood isn’t something I do, it’s a way of life.

For me, donating blood is a very personal decision. When my mom was brought to the hospital after her car accident, surgeons used over 20 units of blood trying to save her life. That’s 20 people who took an hour out of their day to make a difference. And while all the blood in the world couldn’t prevent us from losing her, I think about those donors every eight weeks when I’m sitting in that chair. I can only hope that my blood goes on to save a life, or that at least it gives someone a fighting chance.

Your reason for donating doesn’t have to hit as close to home as mine does. In fact, I’ll even accept “J made me do it!” But seriously, if you are able, there is absolutely NO reason to not donate. And don’t try the “I’m afraid of needles” excuse on me, because there’s a pretty good chance that whoever is on the other end needing that blood is afraid of needles too. They certainly don’t have a choice in the matter.

I know I sound brutal on this, but it is something I think is very important. For those of you statistic lovers out there, here are a few interesting facts from the Red Cross:

  • Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood
  • More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day
  • The average red blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 pints (saving up to three lives!)
  • More than 1 million new people are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment
  • Blood cannot be manufactured – it can only come from generous donors
  • Every blood donor is given a mini-physical, checking the donor’s temperature, blood pressure, pulse and hemoglobin to ensure it is safe for the donor to give blood
  • The average adult has about 10 pints of blood in his body. Roughly 1 pint is given during a donation
  • A healthy donor may donate red blood cells every 56 days, or double red cells every 112 days

 Ok, I’ll get off my soapbox now. Sorry to be so aggressive with this topic- it’s just so important. Obviously, I’m not asking you to donate if you are ineligible, so please check with your local donation center for their eligibility requirements. Also, try to donate directly to hospitals that have a blood bank first, as many third party companies sell the blood to hospitals whereas in hospital donations go directly to the in house patients.

Whew! I feel better, though I hope I didn’t scare you off with my begging. Are any of you donors, or were donors in the past? Have any questions for me on my donation experiences? As always, leave your comments below!



  1. Great post, J! I too am a blood donor, though shamefully, I haven't given as often in the past few years as I did when in school. Life just gets in the way, I suppose. There is one tomorrow at my local fire department, but being sick at the moment, I cannot give. But give I will, when I'm feeling better.

    I don't have as personal a reason to give as you do. But my family have always been blood donors. I remember my first donation at a local high school. I went with my mother and a friend of hers. It was an event. The best part – it's a great excuse to eat Oreos! (Though who needs an excuse for that?)

  2. @Kanalt- I should have mentioned the food! The place I go always has cookies and juice, not to mention other little thank you gifts- this time a long sleeved t-shirt!

    I'm glad you are a donor, and totally get how "life can get in the way." I'm fortunate that right now, there are blood drives right in the building I work in!

  3. I was a blood donor but I have had to stop and honestly, I'm really mad and sad that I can't give (especially as the reason they've told me no is because there is a potential risk to me only, and not to anyone else and frankly, I'm happy to take the risk!). My family have always been donors and I have given 18 units (I think) over my lifetime.
    I'm glad you raised this on your blog because it's vital that anyone who can, does.
    (We don't get nice cookies or t-shirts… a glass of juice/some tea and some rubbish biccies usually!)

  4. @Amanda- Bummer! But it's more important that you stay healthy, even if you are willing to take the risk. At least you have tried! And 18 units- you've totally got me beat!

  5. @Amanda- Wow! I think we all fall a bit short of him! But what an incredible thing to be able to say you have done. You both deserve props in my book 🙂

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