Holiday craziness

I have felt a bit bad the last week since I have completely neglected the blog, but after catching up on the posts of all of my blogging friends, I realize I am definitely not alone!

We are in the midst of holiday craziness, which in turn means I have completely lacked the time and energy to post. In fact, I just checked, and discovered I haven’t even spent a quiet night at home since December 20! Yikes. Hopefully tomorrow night will make up for it, especially since I’ve just started the crochet afghan that I hope to get done sooner rather than later!

I’m hoping to get a few posts done today for you all to read over the next few days, then ideally I’ll be back to my regular blogging in the new year.

In the meantime, I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday, and I wish you all a happy, safe, and healthy New Year!
